Nezza Naturals
Our not-so-secret skincare secret? Loofahs. They’re a must-have for every shower and kitchen. Use one with your go-to body wash, soap bar, or scrub to slough off dead skin cells or scrape plates of leftover food. Because our loofahs are all-natural and biodegradable, replace every 3 to 6 months.
About Our Loofahs: Plastic-free loofah, we say? Yes, folks. Our loofah soap bars are made from luffa gourds, a tropical vegetable from the cucumber family. After the loofah ripens, it’s picked and dried. The skin turns brown and peels off, the seeds are cleaned out, and only the plant fibre remains—your new loofah. All-natural and biodegradable, just the way we like it.
Nezza Store Front
587 Johnson Street
Victoria BC V8W1M2